Friday 28 October 2016

Snapshot Astrology

1. from Jupiter in 4th house if vakri planet is there, progeny/Children issues
2. from venus   in 4th house if vakri planet is there, wife  issues
3. in gochara , on 6th house planet, vakri saturn aspects, then health issues
4. 12th lord in 4th house foreign education
5. from mercury  in 4th house Rahu, education will not succeed
6. 12th lord in 9th, frequent travels
7. Jupiter in 5th or 9th house, then he will be shiva devotee and Panchakshri mantra would give good results
8. Sun and Moon parivarthana would result in job change after every 7 years
9. In Rahu dasa or RAHU in 2nd or 4th would result in Education break
10 Venus with RA/KE/MA  in Simha Rasi, marriage issues
11. ME in 3rd house, hand writing good.
12.7th house has SUN and MOON , no good ties with parents
13. Jupiter 11 th makes father long lived
14. Ju and MARS sama saptakam makes success in Journalism, writing/Astrology
15. RAVI and KETU together makes Orthopaedic
16.SUKRA and RAHU in 4th house, wife may die early
17. 9th Lord in Tula makes jataka irresponsible son towards his father
18.2nd Lord in 12th with other planets gives lot of income
19.if Mars has least degrees in natal chart, then he will not have younger siblings
20.If Sun is in 4th or 10th house in Kumba rashi, Father gets heart diseases
21.7th lord in Kanya rashi, no happiness in marital life
22. Saturn in 6th or 10th houses , jataka can get job in Airforce or Airports
23. Dhara karaka falls in 11 house and if house belong to ME or JU, two marriages
24. SA and RA in Mesham or Vrishchikam , body deformity
25. Mercury in Mesham or Vrishcikam  results in Piles
26. Ravi and sani sama saptakas, Father will have two mariages
27.Ravi and Mercury in 8th house makes sudden raising of power in Politics
28. Moon in Simha makes Non VEG
29.SA and JU conjunction makes success lawyer
30. Dhanurlagna ascendant, and Moon in Moola nakshatra 1st padam, jataka becomes Rapist
31. if Venus in Simha Lagna, at the age of 17, father gets sick
32.Mesha ascendant with Rahu in 8th house , woman will have conceiving issues
33. in 9th house, sa and kuja conjunction with close degrees result in 2 marriages
32. Ravi and shani in karkataka , jataka travels with out any gain
33.Vakri Mars in 8th house, Jataka's wife dies in Accident.
34. Saturn and Mars in 4th house results in loosing property in fire accident
35. Mercury link with Lagna or Lagna lord makes him Writer/singer
36.If Kuja in 3rd house in Dwiswabhava Rasi, jataka will have 3 sisters
37. if 3rd house has bad planets, it makes him rich but lack of brothers
38.Ravi and Guru in 4th house makes good lawyer
39. Jupiter in watery signs results in speech issues
40.Dhanu lagna/ Mesha lagna,  if venus in 8th house makes Kidney issues
41.In meena rashi, if Sun is there, probability of having daughters

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