Wednesday 19 December 2012

Toast Master VP Public Relations Role

The role of the VP public relations is to develop and execute a plan to tell the public about Toast Master and promote the club’s  activities. Having strong public relations ensures that communities around the world know that Toast Master is a credible organization that meets real needs. When a Toast Master club has a positive public image, current members are motivated to be active and prospective members are eager to join.

The responsibilities of the club public relations committee, summarized below,

• Develop committee goals to achieve the club’s public relations goals for the coming year.
• Become familiar with Toast Master International  public relations resources.
• Create awareness of club activities and projects among club members, media, and the community.
• Understand the components of public relations that will help you promote Toast Master to the community.
• Know Toast Master’s key messages and be able to use them when speaking in public.
• Work with the club membership committee to support their recruitment efforts.

Promoting Your Toast Master Club
The primary responsibility of the public relations committee is to create awareness in your community of your club’s activities  and in doing so, to promote the values and work of the organization. The community learns about Toast Master through the media and what others say about the organization, so informing your club members and the media about your club’s undertakings is crucial to building strong public relations.

There are many ways to promote your club and the organization,

• Sponsoring special events, such as marathons, recycling efforts, and fundraisers
• Creating exhibits and displays throughout the community
• Advertising club projects and events in newspapers and magazines, on billboards and buses, and in air and rail    transportation centers
• Encouraging Toast Masterians  to wear their Toast Master lapel pins
• Posting Toast Master information on an online forum, community calendar, social networking sites, and your club’s or another organization’s website
Your committee should brainstorm other ideas before your year begins, and create a plan for implementing them. In order to promote Toast Master effectively, you will need to understand the components of public relations, and be able to use key Toast Master messages.

Components of Public Relations
Effective public relations requires time, effort, and planning. Before the beginning of the Toast Master year, your committee should develop an action plan that identifies the projects and activities that will be
Audience. Ensuring a positive image of Toast Master in the community requires tailoring public relations for different audiences, depending on the projects and activities your club wants to undertake. Reaching
the right audience is crucial to the success of these projects. These audiences may include:
• People directly affected by Toast Master activities
• Students and educators
• Local government officials
• Specialized media that cover specific topics like Personal Development
• Other nongovernmental and nonprofit organizations
• Business and civic leaders
• Community organizations
• Television, radio, print, and online journalists, bloggers and reporters

Media. Given the tremendous competition for media time and space, it is important for your club to be creative and consider all types of media to communicate what your club is and what it does. The term “media” can include television stations; newspapers; international wire services; the Internet, including blogs and social media; as well as the publications of other organizations and institutions.

Additional types of media include:
• Local magazines and radio stations
• Billboards and other public-space media such as signs in bus and train stations
• Trade publications
• Public access cable stations
• Corporate and community organization newsletters

News releases. The most widely used means of sending information to the media is a news release. It can alert media to an event and serve as the basis of a news story. A good news release answers the basic questions who, what, when, where, why, and how. Ensure that the release is objective and concise (no more than one page).

When sending a news release, consider the following tips:
• Send your email news release in the body of the message rather than as an attachment. Spam filters often flag emails with attachments, so your message might not be delivered Rather than just typing “News Release” in the subject line, include what the news release is about.

• Take the time to find the appropriate contact person; email your release directly to an individual reporter rather than to a media outlet’s general email address.

Fact sheets. A fact sheet provides basic information on Toast Master, its history, objectives, and project emphases. Among Rotarians, fact sheets are used to educate new and prospective members; outside Toast Master, they supply the media with background information, raise public awareness, and inform the general public about Toast Master’s

Membership and Public Image
Public image and membership growth are interconnected. A highquality, consistent public image campaign will prompt individuals to seek out local clubs and be more inclined to accept invitations to join.

The public relations committee should remember this in its efforts to promote Toast Master.
A successful promotional campaign uses as many outlets as possible.
Your fellow club members can help you make Toast Master and your club known.

Promote a positive image. Work with your club’s membership committee to consider what attracts new members to Toast Master, and then determine which media are most likely to reach them. Discuss how to work together on recruiting efforts.
To help recruit new members, the club public relations committee should consider
• Promoting Toast Master’s work with and for  people of all walks
• Highlighting the service, networking, and fellowship opportunities of membership
• Publicizing club activities in business and trade periodicals
• Dedicating a section of the club’s website to non-Toast Masters , and encouraging community organizations to link      
   To it. Strong public relations will not only aid in attracting new members but will help retain current members as well.

Enhance club activities for media appeal. Think about the type of activities and events that would interest your community. Work with your club administration committee to make club programs newsworthy, and with your service projects committee to conduct projects that will appeal to the media and your audiences, such as:
• Service projects that meet a community need or coincide with a larger news trend • International service projects supported by your club or a local club volunteer

committee Role and Responsibilities
Projects involving local youth or a prominent community member
• Notable or prominent speakers at club meetings
• Presentations by Toast Masters International or Toast Master Foundation program participants about their experiences in another culture
• Interact and Toast Master  activities
• Anniversaries of local clubs or programs
• Activities with a strong visual element
• Innovative or unique projects and activities

Enlist members’ help. Your membership base is a valuable resource for your committee. Involve members in your public relations efforts by having them spread the word about your club’s activities and projects and about the organization. Ensure that all members of your club are knowledgeable about Toast Master and its programs and encourage them to promote Toast Master’s mission and core values in their personal, business, and professional contacts

Key Toast Master Messages
One of the best ways to promote Toast Master is by speaking about your club and the organization. You may speak to non-Toast Master audiences at project events and other occasions. Be sure to develop concise statements to explain Toast Master and your club to the media.
Be prepared to answer each of the following questions in no more than one minute:
• What is Toast Masters Club ?
• Who are Toast Masters?
• What does Toast Masters do?
Your answers should be positive, factual, specific, and brief. Avoid using Toast Master language that non-toast Masters  may not understand. For circumstances that call for a more formal or longer address, consider
the following tips:
• Think about who your message is for and modify your presentation to appeal to them.
• Prepare an outline of topics you want to include.
• Practice your address and time it.
The following key Toast Master messages can be incorporated into your
public relations materials and public speeches:
Toast Master is an international Public Speaking organization.
• Toast Master members are business and professional leaders who volunteer their expertise, compassion, and power to improve communities at home and abroad in nearly every country in the world.

Toastmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development. Our membership is 280,000 strong. These members improve their speaking and leadership skills by attending one of the 13,500 clubs in 116 countries that make up our global network of meeting locations.
• Our track record of success is demonstrated by the millions of people who have achieved and sustained a better quality of life through Toast Master.

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